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Policies & Procedures Manual for Hospice


Availability: In stock

Price: $940.00

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View Details


The Policies & Procedures Manual for Hospice eliminates the costly and time-consuming effort of creating your own operational policies and procedures.


This manual has been designed and written to provide a comprehensive operational template for new and existing hospice agencies. The policies and procedures in this manual are based on Medicare Hospice CoPs (Conditions of Participation) and The Joint Commission, Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP) and Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) standards.


This manual is ideal for:

  • Start-up Hospice agencies
  • Hospice agencies looking to refresh the way they operate
  • Hospice agencies seeking Medicare certification and/or accreditation with The Joint Commission, CHAP or ACHC
  • Based on the Hospice Conditions of Participation for Medicare and The Joint Commission, CHAP and ACHC standards
  • Contains numerous policies, procedures, sample forms, reference materials and includes 21 detailed job descriptions and numerous position specific performance evaluations
  • Updated annually to reflect changes to CMS' Hospice CoPs and The Joint Commission, CHAP and ACHC standards
  • Accompanying USB Flash Drive contains a searchable PDF and a Microsoft® Word version that allows policies to be modified within The Joint Commission, CHAP and ACHC frameworks to meet the specific needs of your agency.
  • Authored by:
    • Ms. Kathy J. Morgan, RNC, MPH, BSN, CLNC
      Homecare Education Specialists, Inc., Consultant
      Former Nurse Surveyor: The Joint Commission
      Member of the National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants
    • Ms. Sandra L. McClain, RNC, BSN
      Homecare Education Specialists, Inc., Consultant
Additional Info
Published Revised February 2024
Format 3-ring Binder, USB Flash Drive, The MED-PASS Gallery Access
Unit Each
Intended Users Owners/Operators