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Custom Thermal Transfer Label - 18


Availability: Out of stock

Price: $0.00

Note: Please ignore the “Out of stock” notice above, custom items confuse our shopping cart.


MED-PASS can create a thermal label to meet your unique needs. Choose from this "in-stock" die or we can create a custom die compatible with your pharmacy's software. All of this and competitive pricing too!


Options Include:

  • Direct Thermal and Thermal Transfer Paper
  • Fan folded or rolled
  • Standard Adhesive or FDA approved Adhesive for Infusion
  • Customizable


Call your MED-PASS pharmacy representative at 800-438-8884 to learn more.


Compatible with the following software systems:

  • RNA


Formats may be compatible with other softwares; contact your software system provider for verification

Size 3-9/16 x 2-1/2
Carrier Size 3-3/4 x 2-5/8