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Antimicrobial Stewardship Toolkit for Long-Term Care - Digital Subscription


Availability: In stock

Price: $211.00

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Up to 70% of nursing home residents receive at least one systemic antibiotic per year, with a large proportion of those prescriptions considered unnecessary or inappropriate. Overuse of antibiotics can have serious consequences in older adults, including side effects, drug interactions, the emergence of antimicrobial resistance, and C. difficile infections. Residents are particularly vulnerable to the overuse of antibiotics, and the associated poor health outcomes. 


Using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s Core Elements of Antibiotic Stewardship for Nursing Homes, this valuable tookit helps users perform a gap analysis of the facility's current antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) or to initiate, grow and sustain an effective ASP to improve facility performance and resident outcomes. 


The toolkit is designed for use by either a consultant pharmacist or a long-term care facility as an in-service training program. 


The Digital Subscription option, delivered via The MED-PASS Gallery, includes a full year of updates as needed! 


The toolkit includes:

  • Sample policies and procedures
  • Seven (7) educational PowerPoint® courses
      • Engagement
      • Clostridioides difficile
      • The ABCs of Antibiograms
      • Antimicrobial Resistance
      • Antimicrobial Stewardship: Applying F757 Principles
      • Significant Drug Interactions with Antimicrobials
      • Immunizations: Calling the Shots for Older Adults
  • Job descriptions for key personnel
  • Facility and resident assessment forms
  • Data collection forms
  • Facility handouts, including six (6) printable Quick Reference Series "leave behind" items
      • Clostridioides Difficile Infections
      • ABCs of Antibiograms
      • Antimicrobial Resistance
      • Antimicrobial Stewardship
      • Antimicrobial Drug Interactions
      • Drug Expertise


Includes a USB Flash Drive that provides access to customize the policies and procedures, handouts and training program.


For more information about the Core Elements of Antibiotic Stewardship which informed the design of this toolkit, visit the CDC website.

Format Digital Access via The MED-PASS Gallery
Published Revised December 2023